I’m a dog person through and through, I mean they’re man’s best friend for a reason after all.
Look I’m sorry, but cats are meh. Sure they do funny stuff on the internet and their sass is inspiring. But when it comes down to it, the pureness of dogs will always win favour from me.
Dogs just have this unconditional love and devotion for us moron humans and without a doubt, it is the best thing in this world.
Here are the reasons why dogs are such a divine blessing from above…
These dogs be loyal
Some dogs will risk their lives to save their owner, or help a child to safety – that is the purest love in the world!
So loyal that they want you around 24/7
Sorry to break it to you but no one else on this whole planet will ever want your company and affection as much as dogs do!
They’re always up for an adventure
It’s what makes them the ultimate companion. They are that friend who will literally do anything – ride or die style!
Dogs can do awesome tricks
How can you not be super impressed with them? They are far superior to most humans!
They can be super helpful and they are happy whilst doing it
A dog doesn’t answer you back when you ask it to do you a favour, instead they get excited – it’s so refreshing!
Dogs are always so happy, how can we not be?
I have a theory that only psychopaths can remain unhappy once in the presence of a dog.
Dogs can keep you safe
Good boy by day, hero by night!
Final point – dogs rule, cats drool!
I said what I said!
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