You know Indie? world-class professor in the day and bad-ass archaeologist at night. Notably, he dodged a giant boulder, beat the Nazis and found the one and only Holy Grail!
Yeah that’s the guy!
Well on top of all that he also had some godly fashion sense, especially when it came to his handy satchels for storing ancient relics and exotic treasure. Perhaps you might even argue that his greatest accomplishment of all was showing everyone just how underrated satchels are.
Well here are some sleek satchels from The Cambridge Satchel Company that we’re pretty sure Indiana Jones would give his highly acclaimed seal of approval to, just check it out for yourself.
There something so classic about the mix of navy blue with brown straps, a timeless favourite that is sure to impress.
Burgundy is bold but then again, so is Indiana Jones!
Side satchels are the height of sophistication, it’s classy, it’s sleek and it sure as hell is handy when you’re on a huge adventure to save the world… or just nipping out to the shops.
This deep green satchel with gold buckles really pulls your eyes in, it’s the perfect tone for spring and summer!
Dark brown leather is ideal for all occasions, smart and casual. It’ll always look modern no matter what and having some lasting pieces on hand is a fantastic idea that you’ll be glad you’ve got.
I know Indiana has a particular fondness for side-satchels, but I’m certain he might reconsider his go-to choice for a back-pack satchel like this. There’s so much room for all the essentials, like a whip and a cowboy hat.
If satchels are good enough for Indie then they’re definitely good enough for us hipsters. It’s a statement piece that will complete your outfit. Also picking a colour like black means it’ll stay in style all year round – bonus!
I mean is there anything else left to say? This is basically the hot professor look that Indie rocked daily and now so can you!
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