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How to survive Blue Monday

How to survive Blue Monday

Blue Monday falls on the third Monday of January every year, and in 2020 it is on Monday 20th January. Originally starting as a PR stunt from Sky Travel in 2005, many people agree that this could actually be the gloomiest day of the year, due to a combo of horrible weather conditions, post-Christmas blues and the arrival of credit card bills. Here are some tips on how to survive Blue Monday.

Make plans

Having something to look forward to can help you get through the January slump. Whether this means planning a weekend break to see your friends or planning a summer holiday, January can be a great time to take advantage of the numerous travel deals that are out there. Don’t forget to check out the great travel offers currently on Youth Discount! Need some inspiration? Head to the travel section of the blog to find a destination to suit you!

How to survive Blue Monday

Take a walk

Step away from your screens (yes, we mean your computer AND your phone) and get some fresh air outside, even if it does mean braving the cold. Not only will a walk help to improve your brain function and make you feel refreshed, but you’ll burn some of those Christmas calories off and boost your immune system at the same time.

How to survive Blue Monday

Find a cause to support

Helping others and focusing on supporting good causes not only means you’re doing your bit for society, but can also push you to get off the couch and do something! You never know, you might make some new friends too. Here are some ideas on how you can help out:

  • donate any food you might not use to your local food bank.
  • declutter and give anything you might not want anymore to charity
  • take part in a walk or a run for charity.
  • organise a coffee morning or bake sale and donate the proceeds to charity.
  • put together some toiletry packages for your local homeless shelter.
  • volunteer for a charity in your spare time.

How to survive Blue Monday

Do some self-care

Sometimes January can feel endless, but whether you’re back to work or returning to study it’s vital that you remember to have some time to look after yourself. Do things that help you to relax, like having a bath or taking the dog for a walk. Mind, the mental health charity, also suggest practising mindfulness—a technique that enables you to be more aware of the present moment. It’s also important that you get enough sleep, eat healthily and stay hydrated.

If you’re worried that your feelings may be more than just January blues, make sure that you talk to someone. You can call Mind on 0300 123 3393, find your local Mind service here or make an appointment with your GP.

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