Regardless of your fitness status prior to university, student life will try to set your healthy lifestyle up for failure. From the alcohol to the takeaways to the constant socialising and stressful workload, students can be left with little time for thinking about their health and how they can stay fit at university. Don’t worry, we’ve created some top tips for how to enjoy yourself whilst looking after your body.
1. Figure out what you enjoy
Not everyone likes going to the gym. If you’ve learnt it’s not for you, don’t waste your money on another membership that you inevitably won’t use. Instead, it’s best to find different types of exercise you actually like doing, thereby you’ll be much more likely to stick at it and the long term benefits will be far more substantial.
At university, there are lots of sports teams to choose from which can be a great opportunity to make friends whilst staying fit. Some teams can be quite competitive and high commitment, however, so if you’re looking for something more relaxed, try a social sport instead. Look into something you’ve never tried before like rock climbing, yoga, ultimate frisbee, you never know what could surprise you!
Alternatively, you might just want a fitness routine that’s integrated into your lifestyle. This could mean walking rather than getting Ubers or taking a bike to explore the city’s surroundings. Mango Bikes are currently offering a 10% discount to students.
2. Get out of the PJs and into something active
Not just for the gym, a pair of stretchy leggings or shorts and trainers can be a real motivator to get yourself in gear for a long walk, a busy day around campus, or a game of football/frisbee with your friends. Just like when you wear formal clothes you feel on top of everything, activewear can help trigger your body to want to get moving. You can get money off a number of sportswear brands with Youth Discount, including 15% off sportswear and leisurewear at Point Zero Zero One.
Wearing pyjamas all day really isn’t the best idea for when you’re trying to get out and be active. Although the occasional duvet day is great, it’s also good to have days where your trainers are at the ready for whatever plans might come your way. Grab yourself a new pair of comfortable trainers that you can walk in all day and keep your feet happy with 10% off Footasylum.
3. Fuel your body
Nutrition is vital to staying healthy and fit at university. You could be the biggest gym fanatic, but if you’re eating pot noodles every night alongside a Carlsberg—or five—then your body and fitness definitely won’t thank you.
Microwave meals might seem cheap, but you don’t get the goodness or the value for money you can get from buying and cooking big, bulk meals of fresh food. By making stews and curries that can be refrigerated and used throughout the week, you’ll end up spending far less—and feeling far better—than you would on ready meals or takeaways.
Getting a range of nutrients throughout your day is important, having quick healthy snacks to grab is a great way to boost your essential vitamins. Graze offers a range of healthy snacks including veggie protein power boxes and nutty sweet dessert options. Enjoy a free Graze box here.
4. Be sure to rest yourself
Equally important as exercise and good food is maintaining a healthy mindset whilst at university. We all know that sleep is a major factor that affects both physical and mental wellbeing, however, the student lifestyle can often lead to irregular sleep patterns. Whether it’s due to late nights at the pub, emergency library all-nighters, or the chance to sleep in till your 2pm lecture, it’s understandable that a good sleep routine can end up taking a backseat at university.
Having said this, getting into a normal sleeping routine is essential to keeping both your body and mind in good shape, so it’s worth making the effort to regulate your sleeping patterns. CBD Armour offers high-quality CBD oil products that can help ease stress and anxiety which can help alleviate sleep problems. Get 15% off with Youth Discount here.
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